etting Started
To begin the quest, head to the Tree Gnome Stronghold, which is northwest of East Ardougne. Enter the Tree Gnome Stronghold and go to The Grand Tree near the back of the stronghold. Enter the doors in the center and speak to King Narnode Shareen.
Ask him what's wrong and he'll ask to speak to you in confidence. He'll take you downstairs and show you the roots of the Grand Tree. The King will explain that the Grand Tree is showing signs of sickness and asks you to help. Say that you will to begin the quest.
Narnode says that his top tree guardians, Glough, suspects human sabotage. But to confirm this, Narnode asks you to find Hazelmere, one of the mages that helped create the Grand Tree. Hazelmere can be found to the east of Yanille. The king give you some sample tree bark and a translation book to understand what Hazelmere says.
If you have the Ardougne Cloak 1, use it to teleport to the Kandarin Monastery. If you have a Ring of Dueling, use it to teleport to Castle Wars. If you have an Ardougne Teleport tablet or a Watchtower teleport tablet, use it now. From these points, walk to the peninsula east of Yanille. If you have access to Fairy Rings, use the code CLS to arrive right outside Hazelmere's house. If you have none of these, you can walk all the way.
Once you arrive on the peninsula, walk across the two bridges and run past the jungle spiders into the hut. Climb up the ladder to find Hazelmere and talk to him. At first it'll seem like he's speaking gibberish but then he mentions something about “Daconia.”
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