18 Kasım 2012 Pazar

The Word Runescape Rebelz

Runescape Rebelz (TRR) is a well established, friendly community.It no level requirement, but despite this, the first of the clan Clan Wars has been known to be successful and have a very special social clan with several top players .
TRR of Green121 Originally founded in 2004 and since then, with different leaders spent a few incarnations. Despite its rich history, we have welcomed the family, and all new members, chat, play mini-games, there is always someone willing to help.

Runescape Rebelz (TRR), with a strong focus on the community is a very unique clan. All accepted and included in the family, no matter how new RuneScape or clans they may be. The main purpose of the TRR, all players can enjoy the game, have fun in the company of others in order to ensure a comfortable and pleasant. After all, the goal of RuneScape to have fun, right?
Now I'm fine, I'm sure you've noticed that they have no combat level requirements? If you're wondering why a clan would do such a thing, it is actually quite simple. Our clan activities are the personality, attitude and loyalty more important than things like the number of hours played each believes is RuneScape. There are no prerequisites for a reason that many people believe that. The Community of flowers As a result, all members, regardless of their experience in clans or RS as equals. We RS or giving advice for real life situations to help each other.

What we offer
Understanding of professional and StaffEdit
The reason that the clans clans authorities to ensure smooth operation.
Clan leaders and board members are only able to offer the best clans are there to help, experience, show your power and do not show the ban-hammer
No member of a clan, or if you have a problem with the image of the dispute is resolved quickly and fairly.
Topline ExperiencesEdit
Thanks to our community, TRR has many potential benefits they offer very few clans guarantee.
We paid IPB 3 forums and guides, movil.Contamos an independent website and exclusive RuneScape!

A spectacular society
TRR RuneScape is one of the largest communities and cozier.
If RuneScape Clan Chat, or IRC officials discuss aspects clanning chat, enjoy browsing the forums may, if it is someone who always wants to make a speech in your TRR to be sure!

A variety of events
You rarely see clans host your favorite events? Do not worry! TRR, all members are capable of their own events.
Represents the first members of our clan, and everyone is heard no matter how new or war, regardless of the amount.
As a result, we have what is probably the largest variety of events ever organized by a number of characteristics of the clan.

We have what
Clan Chat Event
I know, silly you like, but I did not know a lot of people attending an event takes place, and then complain about how they were surprised.
To avoid this, and remain active in our guild chat in the game, meet other members of the clan, is a must.
Our clan chat 'Rebelz "and members are expected.
You (an event, act, chats, etc, instant control of a distributor, etc) are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations, however. Often when RuneScape Clan talk should

Activity Forum
As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to regularly check the clan forums.
This is so for many reasons, the most important clan news and important announcements that you can get.
RuneScape forums, bookmarks, and many members choose just before or after application to quickly check.
Post on the forums is a necessary part of our society of clans and actions are based on what is usually active forum members clan.

Officials and members of the clan clan participating in TRR for their own enjoyment, we ask all members to show respect for others and.
J All Jagex mods and game applications. Runescape Rules
Our StaffEdit
Clan Founder Traaginen
Clan Leader Constanci0

High Council N / A

Deathirst Council Blue Cruelintakez speed

Warlord N / A

Swaffle CC Moderator

Diplomats N / A

Event Coordinator Labush

He lives in the sky castles clan structure. Wednesday Wednesday We are a week to grow together and upgrade structures, fully customizable space. Access to Clan field is in the western part of the castle gate. To fulfill our citadel and forge together and serve as a place to maintain the highest degree were the most important decisions are discussed and decided at a private meeting room.
RuneScape Rebelz just wanted to help with the efforts. We crown a week, and you need not ask. But like any help is appreciated.

After a certain period of fundraising, special materials can be obtained from a clan to keep the ring. Ring skill land rate, and for a limited period each skill acquired no experience that can serve for the +50% experience bonus.

Battlefield also has access to a fully editable. This can be used to create fun and innovative minigames scenarios. If you fancy a bit of fun, it offers almost unlimited opportunities, or to put it. A place for everyone to enjoy the creative work I want to create a clan This is open to all, but only the top generals and start editing the battlefield and privileges.

You rarely see clans host your favorite events? Do not worry! TRR, all members are capable of their own events. Represents the first members of our clan, and everyone is heard no matter how new or war, regardless of the amount. We were asking maturity and respect for everyone in the clan. We welcome members are encouraged to create and organize their own events!
Rebelz a wide range of events taking place, both F2P and P2P events. You PvP, Skilling, Boss hunting, or whatever, you can always check to be sure you are held TRR!

So TRR, eldersouls.com should be interested in participating in our forum, then you need to submit a single application. For more detailed information given on this page, if needed. If you have any questions, please make a post in our forum or forum guest. In addition to our clan "Rebelz", or our IRC # Rebelz to talk, and to help you become one. In addition, all staff above (especially our diplomats) are please feel free to direct any questions or concerns.

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